Friday, July 2, 2010

My Veggie Post Deteriorated...

Oh my god. I've been posting on a Veggie chat board
about the Dalai Lama thing, and now everyone is
criticizing me for using hyperbolies.

No one's criticizing the dalai lama for eating veal, they're
just criticizing me for anthropomorphizing cows

This is basically how the tread evolved, hyperbolically 

"Hi everyone! I'm so happy to meet you! Last Saturday 
I had a chance to ask the Dalai Lama why he hurts 
baby cows and eats them!"

-- Fine, great.

"I mean... I think it's terrible that he hurts cows and..."

-- Silence

"...the way he hurts them and..."

-- Silence

"...and makes them cry and stuff and ..."


"Me? ... Me? ... I'm sorry, m... me what?"

-- Yo~~~~~~~~~u.

"Please, you're scaring me. What did I do? I'm so sorry! What did I do?"

-- You kno~~~~w what you did.

"I'm so sorry, I don't. What did I do? What did I do?"

-- You KNOW what you did!

"Please tell me quick! You're scaring me!"


"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that to any living thing! I didn't mean to anthro polimer... I'm sorry, what did I do to the cow again?"

-- You AN-THRO-PO-MOR-PHIZED a COW! You did it, you know you did it!

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."


"Yes I know they moo, it was just a turn of phra..."

--Cows LACRIMATE and MARMICULATE and PERFICULATE and BEFUNCULATE. They DON'T CRY! Show me one scientific study that says cows CRY!

"Yes, I realize that cows lacrimate and marmicu... marmicu... I'm sorry, what did you say!"

--English isn't even your native language is it, b.tch?

I think that's where we've gotten up to so far, 
hyperbolically speaking...

Posted Image 


  1. For reference, I'm Vonunov.

    While it's obvious you haven't written in a strictly factual manner, the people who do focus on this miss the point. You have not entered a formal debate. You've written an anecdote about confronting the supposed shining example of peace and Buddhism and, well, shit, I don't know what the Dalai Lama stands for, but in any case you make the point that he has violated his supposed stance.

    This anecdote need not and indeed should not be strictly factual. That may work well for debate or old-media journalism, but if you want to get people riled up about something, you're doing just fine. :)

  2. Thanks Jack / Vonunov! That makes me feel so much better! Yeah, I wanted to get people riled up. Exactly, thanks. And I liked your comments on the message board too, I was just reading them... I'm out of material to write though. Need to think of something...

  3. Nothing wrong with your post. Veggieworld is full of idiots anyway who moddy cuddle vegetarians making them think it's ok to not go onwards to veganism. Not worth the time of day that place.

  4. Dynastygal, I know what you mean. I still can't believe people criticized me for anthropo-hypopotamizing... What was it again? Oh yeah, anthropomorphizing cows since cows don't cry when they're killed by only lacrimate. And that's on a veggie board.
