Hi everyone!
I asked the Dalai Lama last week-end why he eats baby cows.
It was during the Question and Answer session after his talk in Yokohama, Japan.
It looked like almost 10,000 monks and other people were there. They came from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and everywhere. About 500 Buddhists came from Korea alone. It was a really big event.
The question before mine was something like
"Is the light that I see in meditation the same light that permeates the physical matter of the universe?"
The Dalai Lama gave a long answer comparing the light of meditation and the light of the physical universe.
And right after that I asked my question.
"Your Holiness, why do you hurt baby animals?"
The talk and everything was in Tibetan and Japanese, with almost no English. I asked my question in Japanese too, but this is it in English.
"Thank you for your talk which personally benefited me. I must ask something. The world press reports that your Holiness enjoys eating the meat of child cows. If your Holiness continues to hurt and eat the children of cows, how can you be a good example to the children of people?"
I've put an audio file of the question and the Dalai Lama's answer at this link.
I've written out the entire exchange at the bottom of the comment and put a translation too.
These were the main points that the Dalai Lama gave.
1. Buddhist rules of discipline don't say people can't eat meat.
2. Some Buddhist teachings about boddhisatvas, however, do say we shouldn't eat meat.
3. Tibetan monasteries in India only serve vegetarian food now.
4. He tried being vegetarian once but got sick and his doctors said to eat meat again.
5. Being a vegetarian is very good, though.
In other words, he makes baby animals cry and eats them because
(a) his doctor told him to, and
(b) ancient texts on Buddhist discipline don't specifically say he shouldn't make baby animals and then eat them.
I would have had more respect if he answered that he did it because his dog telepathically told him to over his car radio. That would make more sense.
I'll tell you why he eats veal.
It's simple.
It's because he LOVES it!
He smacks into it and chows it down.
And then he asks for the recipe so he can have some more made for him later.
In fact, he orders the meat specifically. He turns down vegetarian meals and asks for meat.
Take a look at the comments on the Dalai Lama on www.all-creatures.org, which I read before going to the talk on Saturday.
And then he asks for the recipe so he can have some more made for him later.
In fact, he orders the meat specifically. He turns down vegetarian meals and asks for meat.
Take a look at the comments on the Dalai Lama on www.all-creatures.org, which I read before going to the talk on Saturday.
Like in France, he was offered a vegetarian meal at an official dinner, and glanced over to his left and then over to his right at the moist, luscious steaks that everyone else was eating except him, and then pushed his salad dish away and said
"What are these leaves? Take them away. Slaughter a calf for me. And a fat one. And I want the tears still on her cheeks. Yes, it must be moist, so moist..."
I'm dramatizing, but that's in effect what happened.
Just do a Google search on meat, dalai lama, france, or on dalai lama, veal.
It'll all come up.
He actually did eat "veal cheek"!
I'm not joking!
He loves eating the faces of tortures animals. Just search on dalai lama, veal, cheek. He eats their face!
I'm not joking!
He loves eating the faces of tortures animals. Just search on dalai lama, veal, cheek. He eats their face!
And what's amazing is that just a couple days ago the Dalai Lama went out of his way during his visit to Japan to mention the people who save the lives of whales by risking their own lives to knock the spears out of the hands of whalers.
He went out of his way to scold them for being too frisky.
He went out of his way to scold them for being too frisky.
All the things he could criticise and he has to choose that!
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society pointed out afterwards that they haven't caused a single actual injury to any individual. Not one.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society pointed out afterwards that they haven't caused a single actual injury to any individual. Not one.
But the Dalai Lama rebukes them for standing in front of a bullet and saving a life.
The group has risked their own lives to knock the spear from a killer’s hand and has has counted that they've saved the lives of 528 gentle creatures of the sea.
But the Dalai Lama scolds them.
But the Dalai Lama scolds them.
Here's a link.
If the Dalai Lama wants to take time out to scold people, why doesn't he scold the cook who tortures a baby for him? But then he's hungry so he says things like "I am a simple monk and must eat what is put before me".
And then gobbles down and asks for the recipe.
And then gobbles down and asks for the recipe.
He rebukes someone who knocks a knife away from a killer, but doesn't rebuke someone who locks up a baby and then stabs it with a knife as it cries.
The tears still haven't dried on the child's cheek, and what does the Dalai Lama do?
He eats the cheek!
He looks at his dinner plate and sees the face of a crying child that has been tortured specifically for him based on his advanced instructions before he arrives and what does he do?
He eats the tear-stained cheeks.
And then he asks for the recipe.
I went to the Dalai Lama's Yokohama talk specifically so I could ask him face to face about this.
Why? How could you do this? How could you torture children?
And he says in effect "I torture children because ... my doctor told me to and the ancient Buddhists texts don't say I can't."
I'm so happy I could say this to him.
I asked the question and very politely and then stood there and stared right at him. Usually I'm shy and lower my glance so I was surprised at myself. That was the moment I waited so long for.
I looked right at the killer of children who says the ancient Buddhists text don't specifically say he can't torture a child and asked him why.
Usually, I personally enjoy the Dalai Lama.
I asked the question and very politely and then stood there and stared right at him. Usually I'm shy and lower my glance so I was surprised at myself. That was the moment I waited so long for.
I looked right at the killer of children who says the ancient Buddhists text don't specifically say he can't torture a child and asked him why.
Usually, I personally enjoy the Dalai Lama.
I like that way he sits there on the stage like a child and waves his hand by twiddling his five fingers at people he knows in the audience and giggles. It's fun.
And then when he speaks Tibetan it sounds cool, like Vulcan or Klingon. Lots of shh and chhh sounds and there are tones going up and down with each syllable. It's neat.
And then when he speaks Tibetan it sounds cool, like Vulcan or Klingon. Lots of shh and chhh sounds and there are tones going up and down with each syllable. It's neat.
But I'm sorry, after hearing his answer I'm now fairly sure he's challenged.
And he wants to join science and religion. That's one of his big goals. It's wonderful.
But how can he join religion and science if he says things that sound like "I eat veal because a doctor told me in the 1960s that a balanced vegetarian diet causes gall stones".
How can he join science and religion when answers questions about why he eats veal by saying "My doctor told me to".
That's like saying the world is flat.
He'll become a laughing stalk. Why isn't his entourage telling him?
Well, below is the entire exchange!
I should separate my rant above with the transcription below but I just created this blog page this morning and have no idea yet how it works.
If the audio doesn't work I'll try something else. The IC recorder kept on slipping into my pocket so there's noise in a couple places.
After my question, the Dalai Lama says "hngh" twice.
The fist "hngh" is an affirmative "hng" and sounds like "Yes, I understand".
And the second "hngh?" is after he's heard the whole question and sounds like "Say what!?"
I should separate my rant above with the transcription below but I just created this blog page this morning and have no idea yet how it works.
If the audio doesn't work I'll try something else. The IC recorder kept on slipping into my pocket so there's noise in a couple places.
After my question, the Dalai Lama says "hngh" twice.
The fist "hngh" is an affirmative "hng" and sounds like "Yes, I understand".
And the second "hngh?" is after he's heard the whole question and sounds like "Say what!?"
Dalai Lama Explains Why
It's Okay to Eat Baby Cows
File location of audio file: http://www.esnips.com/web/eriklumberjacksStuff
Recording position: 23:42
Dalai Lama's Interpreter: Next questioner please.
Questioner: Thank you for your talk which personally benefited me. I must ask something. The world press reports that your Holiness enjoys eating the meat of child cows. If your Holiness continues to hurt and eat the children of cows, how can you be a good example to the children of people?
(Noise of rumbling in crowd.)
Dalai Lama: Huh? ... According to tradition... [Switches to Tibetan in mid-sentence.]
Recording position: 25:34
Dalai Lama's Interpreter: Within the tradition of Buddhism according to the texts based on discipline, it is not written that one may not eat meat. In other words, when a monk, who is a Buddhist, goes out begging it's written that the monk may eat any food that he receives. On the other hand, in some parts of the texts that are based on the practice of boddhisatvas, there are some parts that say one may not eat meat. Due to this, I believe many among the monks in China don't eat meat. However, In Sri Lanka, Thailand and other places, I believe the monks eat the meat that they receive when they go out begging.
Dalai Lama: [Speaks in Tibetan]
Recording position: 28:48
Dalai Lama's Interpreter: Regarding us Tibetans, Tibetans' general living...um...if I talk about the living mode, Tibet is located on land at a very high altitude. And at a place like that where vegetables don't grow very much, the reality that exists there is that one can't live unless one eats meat. Therefore, with the exception of special situations Tibetans generally eat meat. And if I speak concerning monks, I myself am a Buddhist monk, and from when I was about 13 and 14...after that time...meat was always served during official at functions of the so-called Tibetan government.
And, if I may speak on a personal level, I stopped eating meat from 1965 and became vegetarian. I spent more than about two years on only vegetarian meals, and at that time the condition of my gall bladder got worse. And in 2008 I received an operation for gall stones and had my gall bladder removed...he received that kind of operation...and I think that was probably the very beginning...the beginning of my gall bladder illness...after the two years living without eating any meat at all, that's when the bad condition of my gall bladder started. And in line with this, when I had doctors examine me, the doctor(s) based on Tibetan medicine and doctor(s) based on western medicine both said that I should eat meat as I used to do.
Given this, I've been eating meat after that time and eat meat today as well.
And in India, in our temples...several of our temples have been rebuilt...Tibetan people in India...and in the Tibetan Buddhist temples there are common kitchens. These are kitchens that serve the entire temples and from more than ten years ago these kitchens serve vegetarian meals without any meat at all.
And in the Tibetan living areas...within India...there are particularly many of these in South India, in these Tibetan living areas there are no farms like chicken farms or pig farms.
Dalai Lama: [Speaks in Tibetan]
Recording position: 31:41
Dalai Lama's Interpreter: Of course maintaining a vegetarian diet is very wonderful.
Dalai Lama: Thank you.
Dalai Lama's Interpreter: Thank you.
Recording position: 23:42
Questioner: 個人的にとてもためになる講演を聞かせていただきありがとうございます。どうしてもお聞きしたいのですが、世界メディアは法王さまは子牛の肉を嗜むと報道しておりますが、法王さまが牛の子供を痛めつけて食べ続けるのならどうやって人間の子供に良い模範を示し得るのでしょうか?
ダライ・ラマ: はぁ? ... According to tradition... [チベット語に切り替える。]
Recording position: 25:34
ダライ・ラマ: チベット語
Recording position: 28:48
ダライ・ラマ: チベット語
Recording position: 31:41
ダライ・ラマ: Thank you (English)
Thanks for your non-violent stance against the violence of an ostensibly non-violent person and tradition! btw, when you say that you're a happy vegetarian, do you mean a pure vegetarian, or an ovolacto-vegetarian. In other words, do you pay for the birth of veal calves, or not?
ReplyDeleteSusan, holy smoke! Thanks. A vegan a vegan. I changed the blog subtitle just now. I never thought that much about milk as support for veal. When you stop drinking it you don't want to any more, though. It's like white-colored nose phlegm anyways.
ReplyDeleteThanks for changing the subtitle; it means a lot to me, to have the dairy cows represented, too. :)
ReplyDeleteErik, thank you for this. It's always great to have healthy disillusionment in realizing that the most elevated people are often the worst.
ReplyDeleteI respect your boldness to ask the Dalai Lama that in person. That took stones. Well done.
ReplyDeleteJason, why should it take courage to call out a person of great fame? I honestly do not understand the reluctance. Must we cower and crawl like worms before another person, however famous? It is a most unhealthy quality in people. "Your Holiness" my ass!
DeleteErik, thank you for enlightening me. I will never respect him and despise him as long I live.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cruel person.
Thanks Susan, Jack, Jason and Anonymous!
ReplyDeleteYeah, dairy cows is bad news...
And Jack and Jason, yeah it was a healthy disillusionment. It didn't actually require that much courage, though, because I wrote down my question on a sheet of paper and tried to phrase it politely so I just stood there and looked at him and read it out and then looked at him again. And Anonymous, really thanks for saying that. I know that feeling exactly. That's exactly why I went and why it was a dream come true to say that to his face. But I'm sooo proud of myself that Saturday, I just couldn't believe it. But I thought I'd be like a vegan movie star now and people would be asking for my autograph and stuff, but you're the only four visitors... haha. So I appreciate it! Thanks! It was a high point of my whole life because I could make a point to so many people straight from my heart right to the other person. Ninety percent of what I said may have gone right past him, but still the high up people in Buddhism from all of Asia seemed to be there so I'm happy. And there was silence and then gasps when I said "The world media reports that your Holiness enjoys eating the meat of the children of cows." And then I think the question was good because there's no way he could answer. "How can you be a good example to the children of humans if you hurt and eat the children of cows?" How could he answer? "I hurt children because my doctor told me to?" But that's kind of what he said. Korea Buddhist TV was filming it too and so were the Tibetan Buddhist organization. They had a table in the hall that had DVDs of the previous talks including the Q&A periods the boxes said, so hopefully a DVD will eventually come out for this one too. If it does I'll try to copy out my question and his response. I bought the ticket only a few days before the talk. It was 8,000 yen, which is about a 100 US dollars. I almost wasn't going to go at first because I thought there would be a zillion people and there might not be a question and answer time afterwards. But as the day approached I thought I'm definitely going to go and ask him. This is the ad thing for the talk. http://www.tibethouse.jp/dalai_lama/2010japan/yokohama_eng.html
So during the morning lecture from 10am to noon, I asked all the building staff who were wandering around where the line would form for questions so I could be ready. No one knew, so I waited until they announced it and then zipped over. It was still quite a distance to jog, though. The question and answer time was at the end of the 2 to 4pm talk. I spent all morning half listening and half writing and rewriting the question. First I had words like kill and torture, but then I scribbled those out and ended up with "hurt and eat the children of cows". Instead of saying "veal" I went with "children of cows" and instead of "kill" or "torture" I just said "hurt". Hurting children and then eating them sounds bad. If I used words that sound like I'm attacked him and smearing him and have ill will and am being aggressive, then the focus would be on me instead of him. So I said wrote the question on a piece of paper and thanked him first and then half-apologized by saying it's something I just must ask, and then asked why he hurt babies and then ate them. And he explains "I eat babies...because my doctor told me to." Not in those words, but that's the gist. If my doctor told me to eat babies I'd get a second opinion.
I just made this.
ReplyDeleteIt took me almost an hour.
I'm going to have to learn more about website stuff.
WOW! I became vegan in March 2010 inspired by MOONWALK book by Michael Jackson where MJ wrote he's vegetarian. Some lie MJ loved Kentucky or maybe he loved them as first franchize to go vegan as he could see into the future. I'll pass your blog to MJ fans for education. Hope they pass to the rest of the world.(Funny early this year I started having doubts about Dalai Lama but only through gut feeling which I couldn't explain until today thanks to your blog).
From Michael Jackson
Hi Natalia! Yeah, I had the same weird feeling about the Dalai Lama before I knew. It's weird. It's like the meat shines though...
ReplyDeleteI am really saddened by your post. I am a vegan, animal rights activist as well as Buddhist. Not Tibetan, but I respect the Dalai Lama greatly, and he has done more for the world than indict, discredit, and vilify people on a menial blog. He stated that many monks "may" eat meat, but what I know being Buddhist and all, is that, with minimal understanding of Buddhism and the law of karma, which is central to Buddhist thought, monastic law forbids monks from turning down food offered them as "dana", or generosity, for it would create a tragic cycle of "negative karma".
ReplyDeleteI respect and appreciate your dedication, but if you are looking to start the Fourth Reich, I would appreciate if you did it somewhere separate of animal rights and veganism, which I love so dearly. Animal liberation and veganism is a practice of non-violent compassion, NOT judgment and condemnation.
Expressing ones opinion, and even calling out hypocrites is not violence. Killing others is violence. Those who can't see this stark difference are, "Unenlightened"! :-)
DeleteWe're talking about torturing babies though.
ReplyDeleteMaking them afraid and then sticking a knife in them as they cry...
I'm saddened by the Dalai Lama.
ReplyDeleteIf someone corners an innocent child and makes it cry and then stabs it, then I do judge them. They should go to jail.
ReplyDeleteBut Anonymous, you mentioned monastic law forbids monks from turning down food offered them as "dana". That's the very point! He does turn down food offered as dana! He does! Do a Google search. In France, he pushed away a plate of vegetables. He asked them to take it back. He said in other words "I don't accept your food offered as dana. I don't accept it. Take it back." He instructed them "Take the vegetables back. Kill a child for me." And made them bring back meat. It's not "accepting", it's his instruction! He instructs them "Kill for me. Take these back and kill. And preferably a child that has cried." He loves it! You mentioned some good principles, but they don't apply in the Dalai Lama's case. He turns down the vegetables and eats the tear-stained cheek of the child that he specifically asked in advance to be killed for him. I'm very saddened by the Dalai Lama. He should go to jail! Lonely people throughout the world search for some light and just some sign, any sign, of something gentle which might someday be gentle to them too, even if in their imagination while they're sad and alone in their room. And in the place where the ray of hope should be there's the giggling killer of children whose cheeks glimmer with the blood of the baby that he phoned ahead to the kitchen to have killed for him. It's a tragedy for the whole world. Actually for billions of people since billions know of him and been imbued with his killer's smile. Look at Natalia's post above, she knew it in advance. Somehow just had a feeling that something was strange. That's the tragedy for the world. Not to be wordy, but what he does isn't thankfully accepting alms offered to a monk. It's the planned and premeditated torture of a child. Phoning ahead days in advance. Getting cross when people present dana of vegetables. Do a Google search on it. He could possibly be doing the most harm of anyone in the world bar none. Because millions could stop hurting animals if his heart was busy giving an example of courage and kindness to the world instead of giggling and killing. If he held out a hand of help to a child instead of instead of phoning days in advance to have the child strapped down and then cut, slice, slice, slice, while it's crying at his instruction for him to enjoy. He pushes away food offered as "dana" and rebukes them saying "I'm am a Buddhist monk, not a vegetarian". Just do a search. Oh my god, I want to save him. He's going to hell. Poor greasy killer imitation monk, lurking in halls to kill children. That's not mean, it's just a factual description. And an important one. I still like him though. I hate what he does, but I wish I could help him. It's my weakness that I like him. I love watching him giggle. I like him as much as you perhaps. That's why I feel so betrayed! But if I saw him when he was lurking upon a baby preparing to make it cry so it would be more juicy for him to eat, then I'd use force and push him away from the child. Actually, not to brag, but I'm 10,000 times more of an example of gentleness and kindness than the killer who plans which child he'll sadden days before in advance. Poor Dalai Lama. I so much want to save you from hell.
ReplyDeleteThat's incredibly shocking and sad. It's amazing that the leader of a religion that is known for being peaceful advocates the killing of others for our enjoyment. It always saddens me when a person tries going vegetarian but their Doctor recommends they don't, even though no health problem requires people to eat meat - any nutrients can be obtained from vegetables and even pregnant women and young children can thrive on a vegan diet.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that when a person encounters a health problem, they take it as an excuse to continue enjoying flesh rather than finding the plants with the vitamins they need to help them through that problem.
Erik!! Yes, you indeed are the Hero! You had the GUTS to raise the issue of suffering of animals! How one could be an inlighted person or elivated soul if one the part of distruction or killing. Wish to connect with you. TokyoVeg group did not show your real email. Thanks!! Sasa
ReplyDeleteWow....we are so happy to hear that someone was able to ask his "holiness" about his murder addicition. We have known for many years that he has been knowingly eating corpses, preferring death to a vegan diet. He is surely killing his own spiritual path. He is in a position of spiritual teaching which makes his Karma especially brutal. We are always so dumbfounded when we learn of a spiritual teacher who eats the flesh of murdered living beings (there are many). The Dalai Lama is a greedy, cold-blooded coward. He actions are like a naughty child who needs a good spanking. It is impossible for us or any of our friends to follow his spiritual teachings when his guts are incased in putrified animals, and for the sake of his health (!!) and because the holy texts tell him not to (!!). A truly advanced spiritual person would not need spiritual texts to tell him that eating pieces of a murdered body is not a part of the spiritual path. He is a ridiculous example of violent hypocrisy.
Thank you for taking the time to call his "holiness" out on his criminal activity.....you are a vegan movie star to us and to all the babies he has eaten in his life.
Thank you for your boldness to ask that. I find it disturbing that he would say that Buddhism doesn't say not to eat meat because the very first moral precept of Buddhism is "Don't Destroy Life". Plain and simple. I wouldn't go outright and say that he was telling a lie, but he might have misunderstood it, if that is at all possible.
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you were able to ask that though and I thank you once again for that.
Thanks so much Anonymous, Sasa, Veganlyn, and Magpie Black!
ReplyDeleteI just commented in a chat room now too...
Maybe I was a little too harsh on the Dalai Lama.
I should give him the benefit of doubt and try to see things from his standpoint.
He sits down to dinner and sees his dinner plate in front of him and holds his fork in right hand and knife in left. He looks up at his hosts and says
"I am a simple Buddhist monk and humbly accept your alms of food. I cannot refuse the food that is offered. That would be impolite. And the ancient texts on Buddhist discipline also tell me that a simple begging monk must accept whatever is... Wait a second... Wa~~it a second. Wha... what is this pile of leaves you just put on my plate? Take these leaves BACK! Everyone else has lamb! The prime minister has lamb. The minister of justice has lamb. The first lady has lamb. What the... Where is my lamb! This is outrageous! I'm a Buddhist monk, not a vegetarian. Take these leaves away. Waiter!"
-- Yes your Holiness."
"Could you be a dear and do me a favor?"
-- Certainly your Holiness.
"Look out of that window."
-- Which one?
"That one, there. Do you see the calf?"
-- Yes, your holiness.
"Ah, look at it. It's a newborn. Look! It's taking its first wobbly steps on the moist grass. And now it's wobbling towards the stream and dipping its head down to drink some cool water. And now it's resting under a tree in the cool shade. A breeze is ruffling the green leaves above. Do you see it?"
-- Yes, your Holiness.
-- Yes?
"Kill it."
-- Your holiness... I ... I can't. I have a family. I can't do that. I can't kill.
"Okay, okay. Don't overdo it. Let's have a little ahimsa here."
-- I'm sorry, your Holiness.
"No, you were getting a little carried away weren't you? Just calm down and don't overdramatize this."
-- I'm sorry your Holiness.
"I'll do it. Wimp. My stomach is rumbling like a mountain yac. Royal guards! The calf is making his way to the cool stream again to take a second drink of water. Hold it down."
-- Yes your Holiness!
"Good. Now don't move."
-- Mooooo.
"Shut up. You're being offered to me as alms. It would impolite for me not to cut you up. Impolite. Don't you understand that? Don't you understand what politeness means?"
-- Mooooo.
"That's what I though. Have you even read the ancient texts?"
-- Moooo
"Fools! The blood's dripping on the grass. I told you to hold him still! That's my gravy! "
-- We're sorry your Holiness.
"Look, we've gone over this many times. You have to step out of your own shoes and come over to the other person's standpoint and look at things from where the other person is. We're all the same human being and have to get together on this. That's compassion in practice. Do you understand?"
-- Yes your Holiness.
"Now look, half of my gravy has soaked into the grass and the other half is flowing down the river. Everyone else has gravy. The prime minister has gravy. The first lady has gravy. The minister of defence has gravy? But what about me? Where is my gravy? What in god's name is this simple monk going to put on his mashed potatoes now? Miraclewhip?"
-- We're sorry your Holiness!
You are my HERO, Erik Lumberjack! Way to go for standing up to the Dalai Lama! What a truly lame excuse he has for killing animals for his dinner - "my doctor told me to eat meat." I'm sorry, but that really is a cop-out, especially for someone who is supposed to be "enlightened."
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Jenyanydts!
ReplyDeleteYou've made my day today!
Today's Thursday here in Yokohama where I am. Last night, on Wednesday, I stayed up till 1:30am defending animals on these two Dalai Lama chat sites here in Japan. One has about 5,000 members
and the other one has about 9,000
I happened to glance at the site just out of curiosity and someone had written
"And by the way, did you see that foreign man who went to the mike and asked his Holiness why he eats the children of cows? What a rude man. The Dalai Lama was so adult in his answer, just as you'd expect. The foreigner's question was filled with ill will. Why did he use the word 'children' of cows? How impolite."
So I wrote a comment and now 10,000 people here are all attacking me.
Their main points are
1. Plants live to, why do you kill horse radish, green peppers and brussel sprouts and make them cry?
2. It's impolite not to accept food that's offered,
3. Veal crates are outlawed in many countries not, so the nowadays veal are pouncing in meadows and singing and leading an idyllic life, and
4. The Dalai Lama's doctor told him to, so how can you know more than his personal doctor.
I explained that about forty years ago the Dalai Lama had a diet of almost only milk and nuts and his doctor at that time told him to stop being a milk-a-nut-atarian, not a vegetarian, and to go back to whatever he was eating before, and that that has nothing to do with a balanced veggie diet.
And I explained about the other points too, but almost everyone is supporting the the Dalai ("please serve me another helping of") Lamb-a and attacking me and saying I'm the one that's cruel to asparagus.
I feel like I'm losing my mind.
HA! Erik,you are a very talented and creative writer. Thanks for doing this! I loved reading it, and discovering the truth about this so-called "holy man", who is another hypocritical religious leader, who thinks he is above everyone else. I can't stand this attitude, or the sycophants who bow and scrape before these people.
ReplyDeleteYou're cool, Erik; the Dalai Lama is not. :-)
Erik.. it seems obvious you care enough about hypocrisy; what about your own? Your writing & your blog present us with less of the sacred cow and more of the ranting droppings of the aggressive male. Being spirit, I am no Bhuddist, nor a leader or follower of any philosophy or religion. The fact of the Dalai Llama's diversity of diet, for whatever reason, is less karmic and more innocuous than the fact of your unresolved issues and ranting about it. I do not eat veal on the principle of my own reason and inclination- however, if you or the Dalai Llamma care for or prefer vegetables over veal- or veal over lettuce- the fact of it is of no consequence. The excessive ranting reflects more about you and your issues than any real or perceived hypocrisy you think you are exposing for whatever "benefit"; namaste.
ReplyDelete... rather, I should say- of little consequence. It is written that an enlightened soul once spoke to his disciples saying " one is not defiled by that which goes into the mouth, but rather by that which proceeds forth from the tongue.." even that which one thinks with attachment defiles the soul, according to the tradition. Peace to you; namaste.
ReplyDeleteFirst Anonymous, Thank you! Thank you! ^_^)/
ReplyDeleteHi second Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteMy male ego...?
For most vegan people I know, the most most
aggressive they get is like this...
But I don't expect everyone to agree with me. If they did,
the world would be like this
and this
instead of being filled will diversived dinners like this
and this
Well, to be fair, veggie people sometimes
ReplyDeletedo get like this
but only when they're absolutely enraged
and for a good reason.
and like this
No Peewee, down! This is my blog! Down boy!
ReplyDeleteI don't see how it's not obvious that the man is a hypocrite. "First, do no harm." Mucho harm proceeds the eating of veal! I wonder if he would be the one to slit the throat of the calf, or if it's "out of sight, out of mind" for him....
ReplyDeleteErik, I must say I do admire you for being ballsy enough to get up in front of so many Bhudhists and ask such a controversial question. I was also shocked to learn that his Holiness eats meat after admiring him for many years. However, I do have trouble with your judgmental stance on the issue. I don't agree with his practice any more than you do but he is still a holy man and I believe an ascended one and never would I judge him paragraph after paragraph in such hostile language as you have done. It is HIS business & his body--NOT ours and I still love, admire and respect him whether you do or not. I don't agree with his meat eating either but your judging did NOT alter the way I feel about him in any way! I think it would be helpful if you meditated on how judgmental you are towards others when their actions are not your affair and you are powerless to alter what they do anyway.
ReplyDeleteBe thankful that you know not to consume the flesh of other beings. Peace and good wishes to you!
I myself don't think he's holy, though.
ReplyDeleteHe hurt a baby and made her cry and then stabbed her again and again as she continued to shiver and wet herself and then after she turned cold he ate her face.
And for his or her short few weeks of life, he made the baby cry in a cold wooden box unable to move.
He's a monster.
I asked him face to face. Why? Why? Why the children?
Why do you hurt them?
And he looked right at me and answered.
Because the most ancient texts don't say I can't.
He's a jackal dripping with blood and a scoundrel.
He sits on the top of Buddhism where the light of the world should be and teaches death, hurt and pain.
God help the world.
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ReplyDeleteIt is really sad his Unholiness Dalai Lama is making this horrible SIN and killing and eating baby animals. I am a vegetarian turned vegan Hindu and I really hope the world goes plant based and prevents killing animals and raising them in factories.
ReplyDeleteThe Dalai Lama's comment that he is required to eat meat for heath reasons is nonsense. There is no nutrient in meat that cannot be found in a vegetarian diet! Also, it is interesting that he never mentions what this mysterious disease he has that requires that he eat meat. Maybe it's called "unable to control his senses".
ReplyDeleteIt is further nonsense that people call this fraud the reincarnation of thd "Bodhisattva of Compassion".
Where can I get the voice recording the link http://www.esnips.com/web/eriklumberjacksStuff is brocken
ReplyDeleteThanks for mentioning link! I'll try to put it up on YouTube with English translation in a few weeks hopefully. I'll leave a note here when I do! Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWow.... I understood something almost everything, firstly the cattle I mean particularly cow will not have child or children, but the calf. Nonetheless, your confidence is incredible really awesome. But did you ever enter the sentimental path of Buddhism? The great people do anything but they cannot do whatever they like, to understand them and their action is difficult. We have many Buddhist masters who's actions been as if inhuman, but that is wrong that we see being covered by greets, angers, wants,desires etc... I have e.g.. of those who were never considered by society as master, but known as the great after the death. Please let's investigate and wait for truth, because God sees the truth but waits......